Thursday 18 August 2016

Pokemon GO – Oh, to be a Pidgey

I’ve been sat out here for ages…waiting for a trainer to walk past close enough to pick me up on their phone and try to catch me.

And when they do…oh, my word, they are in for a shock. I’m not the strongest Pokemon, sure. 32cp isn’t all that, or so I’m told. I’m not the fastest either…I’m actually more of an irritation than a threat. I’m seen as fodder for level-climbers to catch and evolve…but not this time.

Here we go…here they come…two people with their phones out. Ta-da! I’m here! I’ve definitely popped up on their screens now. Is one of them going to take the bait?

Yes! Haha, yes! He’s fallen for it. Flick…the first ball flies miles over my head and off into the distance. Second one hits me just as my attack animation begins. Whoops. Next.

Ball three hits me square in the head…zoooooop…into the ball for a minute…and out I pop.

Another flick, attack animation again. Bat the next one away. This is so easy.

Ow! That one hit me right in the sweet spot…zoooooop…back into the ball again…wiggle wiggle, wiggle, pause…pop! Out I leap once more.

The guy hurls his phone across the car park, and I’m left in limbo forever trapped in the gap between the world and his screen.

Guess that serves me right really.

(Note from the author: I'm hooked, I'm addicted. This game is so simple, and so nuanced in its ability to keep you playing...and visiting stop after stop. By it, play it, love it. Well done, Niantech...but could you sort out the bug that makes super-low-cp Pokemon from leaping out of high-level trainers' balls?)

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